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Muscle Attachments Spine and Thorax

On This Page: Bones and Bony Landmarks | Muscles

Bones and Bony Landmarks

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Origin Costal attachment: Inner surface of lower six ribs

Lumbar attachment: Upper two or three lumbar vertebrae

Sternal attachment: Inner part of xyphoid process

Insertion Central Tendon
Actions Draws down the central tendon of diaphragm and increases thoracic cavity volume


Origin Spinous Process Of The Upper Lumbar And Lower Thoracic Vertebrae, Ligamentum Nuchae, and Spinous Process of C-7
Insertion Spinous Processes Of Upper Thoracic And Cervicals Except C-1
Actions Bilateral: Extend Vertebral Column

Unilateral: Laterally Flex Vertebral Column To Same Side


Origin Common Tendon (Tla), Transverse Processes Of Upper Five Thoracic Vertebrae
Insertion Lower 9 Ribs, TVPs Of Thoracic And Cervical Vertebrae, Mastoid Process of Temporal Bone
Actions Bilateral: Extend Vertebral Column

Unilateral: Laterally Flex Vertebral Column To Same Side


Origin Common Tendon (Tla), Posterior Surface Of Ribs 1-12
Insertion Posterior Surface Of Ribs 1-12
Actions Bilateral: Extend Vertebral Column

Unilateral: Laterally Flex Vertebral Column To Same Side

External Obliques

Origin Lower eight ribs
Insertion Anterior part of iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
Actions Bilateral: flexes vertebral column and compresses abdominal contents

Unilateral flexes vertebral column to same side, rotates vertebral column to opposite side

Internal Obliques

Origin Lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion Cartilage of bottom three ribs, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
Actions Bilateral: flexes vertebral column, compresses abdominal contents

Unilateral: flexes vertebral column to same side, rotates vertebral column to opposite side


Origin Inferior border of the rib above
Insertion Superior border of the rib below
Actions External Intercostals draw the ventral part of ribs upward, increase space in thoracic cavity

Internal Intercostals draw ventral part of ribs down decreasing space


Suboccipital Rectus Capitis Posterior Major Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Oblique Capitis Superior Oblique Capitis Inferior
Origin Spinous Process of the axis (C2) Tubercle of the posterior arch of atlas (C1) Transverse process of atlas (C1) Spinous process of axis (C2)
Insertion Inferior nuchal line of the occiput Inferior nuchal line of occiput Between nuchal lines of occiput Transverse process of atlas (C1)
Actions Rock and tilt head into extension, rotate head to same side Rock and tilt head into extension Rock and tilt head into extension Rotate head to same side

Transverse Abdominus

Origin Lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, cartilage of lower six ribs
Insertion Abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
Actions Compresses abdominal contents

Multifidi And Rotatores

Origin Sacrum And TVPs Of Lumbar Thru Cervical Vertebrae
Insertion Spinous Processes Of Lumbar Thru 2nd Cervical Vertebrae (MULTIFIDI SPAN 2-4; ROTATORES  SPAN 1-2 VERTEBRAE)
Actions Extend, Rotate Vertebral Column To Opposite Side

Splenius Capitis

Origin Ligamentum Nuchae, Spinous Processes Of C-7 Thru T-3
Insertion Mastoid Process, Lateral Nuchal Line
Actions Unilateral: Rotate Head To Same Side, Laterally Flex Head And Neck

Bilateral: Extend Head

Splenius Cervicis

Origin Spinous Processes Of T-3 Thru T-6
Insertion TVPs Of The Upper Cervical Vertebrae
Actions Unilateral: Rotate Head To Same Side, Laterally Flex Head And Neck

Bilateral: Extend Head

Quadratus Lumborum

Origin Posterior Iliac Crest, Iliolumbar Ligament
Insertion Last Rib, TVPs Of 1st Thru 4th Lumbar Vertebrae
Actions Unilateral: Elevate Hip, Laterally Flex, Assists To Extend Vertebral Column

Bilateral: Fixes Last Rib During Respiration

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(c) 2005-2007 Mike Uggen,
Phone: (317) 297-7263
Cell: (317) 508-8556
WA License Number 16912

Web Design by Barbara Uggen-Davis