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Treatment Work - Conditions


First off, there are more ways than one to end up with sciatic nerve pain. In brief, the main ones are nerve inflammation, impingement or entrapment. The SOURCE is also variable. It could be from a pinching off of the nerve at the vertebral foramen where the nerve roots exit the spinal column at L4, L5, S1, S2 or S3 (vertebral subluxations), from compression caused by a pelvic tilt or rotation or misalignment of the SI joint which in turn can cause problems where the nerve passes through the Greater Sciatic Foramen of the pelvis, or what is known as Piriformis Syndrome. The latter is where the nerve becomes impinged or entrapped in some configuration involving the Piriformis muscle.

Effective treatment REQUIRES identifying the root cause. And quite frankly, most conventional doctors aren’t worth a damn in this regard. If you don’t first identify the CAUSE, all you do is end up treating the SYMPTOM. And until you DO identify and treat the cause, the symptom will just keep coming back. Seems pretty straight forward, but unfortunately, totally beyond what seems to be taught in medical schools these days.

For most conventional doctors, the cause is of absolutely no consequence or concern to their treatment decision. And it isn’t because the only treatment options available to them are symptom driven with no necessary relationship to actual cause. The treatments available to them are: Bed Rest, Ice, Drugs (pain killers and muscle relaxants), Gentle Traction, or Surgery.

Even if a vertebral subluxation or pelvic misalignment is involved, you still need to identify the CAUSE. Is it because of a structural scoliotic curve or a chronically contracted muscle? And if the cause is a contracted muscle, which muscle is the guilty party? And so on.

A year ago, I would have been very focused during any treatment work for sciatica, doing all kinds of tests I know how to do (or at least did at one time). Today? I don’t even screw around with them because it is faster and easier for me to assess and treat energetically. Specifically, I would start with the Spinal Snake to take care of any subluxations. I would then assess and treat for any PSOAS or Piriformis contractions. If necessary, I would end up with a couple of Craniosacral techniques (a lumbar traction or decompression at L5-S1 and a bilateral, medial compression of the pelvis at the ASIS level) to address any lower lumbar/sacral problems. The above combination would cover any and all of the possible subluxation or contracted muscle possibilities. The only thing it would not specifically address would be an actual inflammation of the nerve itself. But since the underlying cause of nerve inflammation would probably be one of the others anyway, treat the others and the nerve inflammation would go away.

I use three specific points: back of the knee, side of the glute, back of the glute (two fingers lateral to sacrum, halfway between iliac spine and gluteal crease).  Hold two points at the same time; knee and one of the others.


Knee Hip
Glute Sciatica

The point behind the knee is Bladder 54.  The point half way between the top of the iliac spine and the gluteal crease (butt muscle in back in lay terms) is Bladder 28.  The point on the side of the butt muscle is Gall Bladder 30.  Serizawa says to use GB 29 but that is not the one I personally use; I use 30.

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(c) 2005-2007 Mike Uggen,
Phone: (317) 297-7263
Cell: (317) 508-8556
WA License Number 16912

Web Design by Barbara Uggen-Davis