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Treatment Work - Conditions

Breathing Problems

Difficult breathing is very common for many, many reasons. Some examples include chronic bronchitis, a long-term smoker, postural imbalances (such as contracted PSOAS) that restrict the diaphragm. Over time, adhesions can develop along the line of the rib cage and the diaphragm muscle, essentially gluing the diaphragm to the ribs and severely restricting free movement.

Typical bodywork treatments involve cross-fiber friction under the rib cage. It is not pleasant to receive. In fact, it can be downright painful. It is effective, yes, but also painful.

Diaphragm Release

Diaghram ReleaseA much more gentle treatment is called a Diaphragm Release. The hands are placed just above and just below the breast tissue as illustrated in the next picture.

Only enough downward pressure into the chest wall to engage the tissue is used. Once the tissue is engaged, the hands are slid down toward the feet, like a Venetian blind. 

Diaphragm ReleaseCoordinating with the breath is absolutely critical. The slide toward the feet is done on the exhale and in such a way as to COMPLETELY expel all breath from the lungs. The client is instructed to NOT inhale until told to. On hearing “Now” they are to take a very sharp, very rapid breath. Simultaneous with their inhale, the practitioner quickly pulls hands into the air, off the body. The effect of the stretch and sharp intake of breath is to produce a “rebound” of the diaphragm muscle along the line of the rib cage, helping break up the adhesions. This movement is done three times on each side of the body.

Respiratory Regulator

Respitory RegulatorAnother very useful treatment for breathing difficulties is a Polarity Therapy technique called the Respiratory Regulator. I generally stand to the left so my left hand is at the neck and my right hand is along the back. This is also done in coordination with the person’s breathing. 

On the inhale, gently squeeze the neck in the C5-C7 area. Relax the grip on the exhale. During this, the right hand remains stationary along the spine in roughly the T5-T7 area. The squeeze-relax is repeated until a “release” is sensed. This might be a gasp, a sigh, a feeling like a muscle relaxing, a twitch, or any number of things. Once the “release” is sensed, simply keep both hands in position until a sense of energetic balance is achieved.

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(c) 2005-2007 Mike Uggen,
Phone: (317) 297-7263
Cell: (317) 508-8556
WA License Number 16912

Web Design by Barbara Uggen-Davis